Marie Javorkova


Marie Javorkova (*6. prosince 1974) je česká malířka, sochařka, ilustrátorka a vydavatelka časopisu Renomé (1996).


Studovala a absolvovala slevárenství a umělecké lití u profesora Karla Rusína (VUT) a mnoha dalších profesorů z AVU a dále soukromě i u zahraničních umělců. Používá mnoho stylů - kubismus, realismus, hyperrealismus, fauvismus, impresionismus, abstrakci. Požívaná média pro malbu - olej, akryl, speciální akryl s efekty, pastel, akvarel, kombinovaná technika. Pro sochy především bronz. Je členkou WAF Jojo Marengo v USA. Její díla jsou v mnoha galeriích a privátních galeriích a sbírkách po celém světě /USA, Anglie, Německo, Francie, Švýcarsko, Česko, Slovensko, Slovinsko, Chorvatsko, Španělsko, Itálie, Ukrajina, Rusko, Japonsko, Čína, JAR, Mexiko, Argentýna, Brazílie atd. S Marií Javorkovou se přátelil od roku 1996 až do své smrti Michael Jackson. Vytvořila pro něj sérii projekčních obrazů (6.12.12 tisková konference) [1]



  1. National Registry of Australian Art and Artists 
  2. Je Suis Charlie 

Externí odkazy

I'm from Czech Republic. I'm surrounded by natural beauty,... history,... architecture... I find inspiration from the simple beauty of everyday things and add interest by bringing those items to their extreme through an expression of dramatic color and exaggerated light.

When I begin each piece, I allow the paint and the colors to move me. I don’t typically have a carefully mapped out plan for each painting, but rather just an idea or a focal point that develops throughout the creation. Much of my recent work is created with a pallet knife, which can provide rich texture and intricate detail while still leaving a lot of room for your interpretation. I use oils and water colour etc. while painting on a variety of surfaces including canvas, paper, etc. My paintings for sale - please contact me. Thank you. 



I'm from Czech Republic.I'm surrounded by natural beauty,... history,... architecture... I find inspiration from the simple beauty of everyday things and add interest by bringing those items to their extreme through an expression of dramatic color and exaggerated light.
When I begin each piece, I allow the paint and the colors to move me. I don’t typically have a carefully mapped out plan for each painting, but rather just an idea or a focal point that develops throughout the creation. Much of my recent work is created with a pallet knife, which can provide rich texture and intricate detail while still leaving a lot of room for your interpretation. I use oils and water colour etc. while painting on a variety of surfaces including canvas, paper, etc. My paintings for sale - please contact me. Thank you.